

The C-series by SIMA WINDING TECHNOLOGY is a heavy-duty take-up cross-winder for fibrillated tapes or products of modified polypropylene (“Polysteel”). The machines are designed for difficult conditions, such as those found when producing harvest binding yarns. The extrusion plants often work with fibrillation, which leads to great dust formation and, as a result, high abrasion forces. The mechanical units are accordingly robust and designed for a long service life.

Developer and manufacturer SIMA WT has been part of Dietze+Schell group since 2017.

Facts and benefits

For take-up winding

Yarn count up to 400,000 dtex

Thread tension control via pneumatic dancer arm (setting at the touch screen)

Electronic crossing

Manually or pneumatically actuated winding mandrels for winding sleeves

Winding package width up to 500 mm

Bobbin diameter up to 800 mm

Bobbin weight up to 150 kg

Winding speed up to 350 m/min
Maximal winding mandrel revolutions 1,400 1/m
Yarn count up to 400,000 dtex
Thread tension up to 7,000 cN
Laying stroke up to 500 mm
Winding mandrel diameter starting from 90 mm
Maximal bobbin package diameter 800 mm
Maximal bobbin weight 150 kg
Crossing electronic
  • Central operating terminal
  • Dancer control for adjusting a constant thread tension and winding speed
  • Electronically adjustable crossing ratio
  • Highly resilient design

Climate control

Machine solutions for similar requirements

We will gladly help you. Please contact us.

E-Mail senden Telefon +49 9561 818-124

Jörg Wilfer

Area Sales Manager

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